
Friday, 18 November 2016

Institution Research

As I am beginning to creep into the filming stage for my trailer, I think that this is a important time to begin to research the production/institutions that are going produce and distribute my film. Due to making a film of the Christmas Genre and having films like Love Actually and The Holiday as inspiration, it is important to look at institution and company's that are significantly involved in films of this genre. My co-producer and I are aspiring to make a film that realistically would be distributed by large and successful company that falls within the 'Big 6' such as universal in order for our film to be successful and in the real world, have the most potential to be a hit film. In regards to producers, we were planning on having a production company that is independent and can mirror our low budget that we have! Therefore with a independent producer and successful 'Big 6' distributor, our film has the most potential to succeed. 

I researched the 2003 Christmas Phenomena 'Love Actually' in order to find out the production and distribution company's associated with such film. 

This is a film that is one of my inspirations as it includes a variety of Hollywood actresses and actors that work as the USP for the film attracting a wide audience, also despite this it follows the festive theme, like i wish to do with my film and cleverly accompanies various narratives against each-other. Part of the reason for the success of this film (Like any blockbuster film) is due to the production and distribution company associated.

Production company/s: 
Universal Pictures
Studio Canal
Working Title Films
DNA Films

Distribution Company/s:
Various company's were used in order to distribute the film yet the most poignant was Universal.  

From this research and knowledge of the film industry it is evident that the most popular and successful distributor is Universal. Therefore my co-producer and I are settled on the fact that Universal should distribute our film as this gives our trailer a great platform to be able to become a successful Hollywood film following Love Actually and The Holiday.

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