
Tuesday 22 November 2016

Film Poster Planning

Today I put the preparation for the actual trailer on hold and began to think more concisely about my film poster that is going to accompany my film. After researching and finding some film posters that range across all genre, I was exposed to various different styles and types that I could possibly replicate. Myself and my team member Olivia sketched out a ruff outline and draft of what we are hoping to produce, so let me explain to you our idea...

We are aiming to have two protagonists (one female and one male) pictured standing, looking and observing a large Christmas tree, immediately showing the audience the christmassy feel that we aim to exemplify throughout the film. The Christmas tree will dominate the poster as it is the largest item on the page, in the background we will have the ambience and city, passers by which we will blur out making the two characters by the Christmas Tree the central focus. The working title will be located at the top of the poster with the star on the tree acting as the 'I' in 'Christmas'. Social Media links will defiantly feature in our poster as this is a great marketing technique and a good way of promoting the film, therefore this will conventionally feature at the bottom of the poster. Although these are our ideas at the moment, this is only our first draft, therefore we are aware that our actual professional poster may deviate from this slightly.

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