
Monday 28 November 2016

Film Magazine Research

After researching different institutions in which we can use for our film magazine. Looking at a variety of magazines companies such as Total Film, Empire, Sight and Sound and Entertainment Weekly, it is evident that they all have differentiating conventional films in which they feature on the front of the covers. For example, it is evident that Empire magazines conventionally feature big budget Hollywood hits, which is something we are not producing due to our low budget. Therefore a magazine company such as Entertainment Weekly, which features a variety of different productions across different media platforms on a lower budget, therefore my co producer and I are going to chose Entertainment Weekly as our magazine company. 

The magazine cover in which we have taken inspiration from, is the 2016 phenomena 'Bridget Jones' Baby'. From research i found it hard to find a film magazine cover of the Christmas Genre, however i am going to take inspiration from the layout and design of the below magazine cover. This is what we aspire for our cover to look like, yet with a festive colour scheme and a alternate image. 

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