
Wednesday 25 January 2017

Magazine Digital Draft 1

Due to being well underway with the filming and editing process, my team member and I thought that this was a appropriate time to revisit our magazine draft and begin to make a initial digital draft 1. Due to the fact that we have already made the paper draft it was a simple process to put together a ruff magazine featuring the actual cast members and the mise en scene in which we hope to include. We are very much aware that this is not a final draft as we need to retake a picture of our cast that will feature as the main central image on our poster - as currently, the images on the magazine have been Photoshoped and manipulated to merge together, where as we want to take a photo that is one shot of all four girls, not four separate shots. Despite the image, it is evident that the font and positioning of some of the features need to be changed, and we also need to add some Puffs and Puggs; conventional features of a magazine cover. The next process will be receiving feedback from my teacher and peers on how my co producer and I can improve this. 

Friday 20 January 2017

Magazine Layout

Now that we have made the paper draft of our magazine, we feel that making a digital version indicating the layout of the magazine, and what is going to be included will help us immensely when we come to making the final magazine, as we can refer to this if we are unsure of where to place a feature. We have included digital elements and conventions of a magazine such as Puffs and Pugs that are a key feature when producing a magazine. I also have located cover lines where I feel that this is going to fit around the image that we are aspiring to produce. At the top of the magazine cover will be the type of magazine such as Entertainment Weekly. This is something that is rigid when making our magazine as we cannot change the location of the title as it commonly is found at the top of the page and this is where it would be most suited. The strap line and cover lines are all features of magazine that aid to promote other medias and productions, this is conventional of a magazine front cover. 

Monday 16 January 2017

Intertitles Planning

Due to the fact that my film is starting to come together, i think that this is an appropriate time to start thinking about the inter titles in more depth. Previously i looked at some 'chick flick' Christmas films and analysed the inter titles however now i have looked more closely at designing some. Based on 'love actually' I have designed some inter titles by hand, however these will not be the final ones as i will be designing officially via Adobe Photoshop. Although they are not perfect, these are just inspiration and something to work towards. 

Saturday 14 January 2017

Actors And Characters

Below are the actual actresses that are going to feature in the trailer, from these images these are all characters that would stereo typically feature in a chick flick film. As these are 4 friends in the real world, having them as actresses as friends in the film will add a sense of realism to the film as they will be able to act in a genuine way. These 4 protagonists are fitting due to the fact that they all have the same similarities and interests due to being in the same friendship group therefore this will be able to be portrayed throughout the trailer. 

Although these four characters are similar in a sense, they would all play different roles within the trailer and this would be more evident if the trailer was then to develop into a actual film. 
  • Alice Whyman - the middle right character (who plays Lindsy) in the film - acts as a outgoing and somewhat flamboyant character who returns home to her hometown to reunite with her best friends, however things have changed since she was last in town. She causes some trouble while she is back home - much to the girls annoyance. 
  • Millie Nelson - the right end character (who plays Sophie) is the sensible and level headed character within the group, she intends to keep the group as a whole yet and does her best to make it the best christmas yet with Lindsy around - this doesn't go down too well.
  • Emma Eustace - As the producer, (the middle left image) I also feature in the film as a character, (Polly) i appear in the film to be a party animal who loves a laugh. 
  • Grace Bennett - Grace plays Abbie in the film, she isn't afraid to speak her mind and takes it upon herself to go head to head with the character Lindsy at various points within the film. 

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Magazine Draft 1

The above images are the initial drafts of my magazine which will come together in due course. After previously completing some magazine analysis and research into a magazine institution in which i think would most suitably fit the type of film we are making, we decided on 'Entertainment Weekly' due to the types of media they promote in their magazine and previous films that have been promoted. We decided on a initial image that we would like to create including our 4 main female protagonists, as conventionally film magazine covers feature the main characters in order to create some familiarity with the characters and the audience. This idea may change as it is only a first draft, however in this draft we have positioned the characters in such a way shows a medium shot of the two characters at the bottom and a head shot of the two characters at the top. We decided to take pictures during the drafting process to show the journey from the simple outline, to the detail we added with the facial expressions and specific features such as the Christmas hat, and the Christmas jumper, and then finally adding a element of colour in order to make it look more appealing and give a replication of the colour scheme we are intending to use for the real front cover. Although this is not perfect and is not a complete reflection of our final magazine, this is a base for us to work around and therefore gives us an indication on what to create. 

Monday 9 January 2017


So today I started the actual editing process for my trailer, I imported all of my footage from the camera and began to select and delete the footage in which was good and which wasn't. Due to the fact that we took many re shoots of scenes, there was a lot of footage to go through. We then started to cut and crop the footage to all fit together, we detached the audio and re imported the audio at other points in order for the footage to transcend together nicely. Although we have started the editing process, this is my no means finished, there is a lot more editing to be done.